Happy Ground Hog Day 2009!
Houston's cloudy forecast means the Ground Hog will emerge from his burrow with no threat of being frightened by his shadow. An early spring! My friends in northern climates would welcome such a forecast in light of their long brutal winter. Myths aside, spring WILL come when Mother Nature deems us ready. Regardless, I like to use this occasion to reflect on the insight I've gained during the past 4 seasons. Hope your year was as bountiful!
(Rather than write an epic saga, this is an abbreviated account of the year. Greater detail will be shared upon request! You may click on photos to enlarge.)
My personal insight gained since last Ground Hog day:
- Western Boots are unsafe footwear for bike riding.
- Emergency Room staff act suspicious when you break your wrist falling off a bike, at 10 at night.
- An artist friend can turn a cast into a fashion accessory.
- When you put a petticoat on it is like Pixie Dust... women can't help but have fun!
- When it comes to Mother's Day, "being there" trumps a card or a gift (destination Alabama!).
- When the economy is slow, education is a good occupation to fall back on.
- High School kids aren't as scary as they look.
- Remembering how to knit comes back to you just like riding a bike.... except it is safer.
- Roux is a great travel dog, but never close a screen door between her and I.
- The Northwoods of Wisconsin is still my favorite spot on earth; Bill & Carrie are consummate tour guides.
- They still brew Hamm's and Schlitz beer!
- Everyone in the Northwoods has a bar in their basement.
- Our worst hurricane experience was encountered in Missouri (during Gustav) when our Tom Tom led us towards a river where the bridge was out.
- Our best hurricane experience was having Travis home for a visit (during Ike).
- After 28 years of going to Rockport, I finally got the fishing bug!
- If exploring different microbrews is fun, then brewing your own will be even more fun!
- A wine aerator is the secret to cheap wine.
- Even a small part in The Texas Independence relay run from Gonzalez to San Jacinto is a lot of work.
Ceci's Insights:
- Dallas sucks. The OKT is where the cool kids live.
- If you dress up like a Puma at Astros games, you will make Sports Center and Baseball Tonight.

- I am the world's best fisherman.

- No one reads my blog.
- Hurricanes suck. Hurricane Parties, however, are awesome.
- I have the world's cutest puppy. People read her blog.
Roger Creager is stalking me.
Travis' insights:
- There is ample seating on inbound flights during Hurricane Evacuations
- Hiking to the top of a 14,000 peak gets you high on life!
- If you visit Houston during a hurricane, your friends can get time off work to party with you!
- Beagle Molly & Aussie Hannah have not met their new cousin, but we think Auggie is a mix of Australian Shepherd and Beagle.
- Having an artist friend has unique benefits!